At 47 degrees latitude, Seattle has one of the most extreme dark seasons in the continental US. Even after the third driest January on record, the city is ready to be done with the Big Dark.
Fear not! Spring is near! Tonight, we move the clocks forward. Today there will be 11 hours and 33 minutes of daylight. Our first post 6pm sunset in several months occurred earlier this week. The cherry blossoms are starting to show. (The University of Washington peak cherry blossom is about two weeks ago.)
The Husky Open, the first home rowing event of the year, is a reminder that Spring is just around the corner. On a brisk, gray day, the UW Women's Rowing team competed against one another and a few Oregon State University and University of British Columbia boats. After the 8s and 4s were completed, they rowed back to the Conibear Shell House, changed up lineups and raced again. A full slate of junior and masters races for boys, girls, men and women from high schools and clubs rounded out the morning.